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100% Money Back Guarantee - We Confidently Get You Results!

Our monthly SEO service guarantee covers all areas of search engine growth.

1. Our SEO services in St. Petersburg helps businesses all over the country and will get you a minimum of 5 new keyword rankings from relevant search phrases that have generated search results for your website.

2. While individual keyword rankings may increase or decrease, there will be a minimum net ranking gain of 25 positions for all active rankings.

Service guarantee does not apply under the following circumstances:

1. SEO work is removed from the website and/or modified without approval.

2. Website SEO issues that negatively impact SEO are not resolved, including excessive duplicate content or high volumes of low-quality inbound links. A game plan to remedy any website issues identified will be provided to the Client.

3. Website hosting issues including excessively slow web page load times, excessive downtime (website cannot be accessed) or a website that has been hacked or compromised and is penalized by Google or Bing.